Monday, October 5, 2009

Stepping the Sex Game Up

It’s no real secret that for a lot of women the sex drive can become nonexistent in a relationship. What with children, the house, the job, health issues, outside activities, and keeping their husband/man happy, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. That and the fact that cloning of humans has not been approved. It seems that the husband keeps falling lower and lower on the totem pole. Personally I believe he should be at the number one spot. His needs to be taken care of just like the children because let’s face it, t hey act just like the kids most of the time. I know it's sometimes hard ladies, (no pun intended) but you CAN NOT let the sex go away!! Once that’s gone there is nothing left but healthy conversation and most of the time most men don’t want to talk about anything that doesn’t involve a ball, computer or someone lying naked.

A man should never have to beg his girlfriend or wife for sex, as they will quickly tell you (that is if they have the balls to) there is always someone else willing to go face down and ass up for him, regardless of what he looks like. You should want to dance for him or swing from a very sturdy object for his pleasure. He’ll be very appreciativ... maybe. The top things a man will fuss about: not enough sex and food. I’m not saying he’ll remember your birthday, anniversary or will be picking the kids up from school, but he’ll sure be a lot happier coming home. Unless of course you'd rather he'd be happy that he’s sitting on the highway instead of in his home unappreciated. And who knows he may very well help out more if he knows that the bedroom games will go on especially frequently.

Ladies be more open to experiment. I’m not saying have threesomes but try having it somewhere other than your house (NOT YOUR GRANDMOTHER'S HOME). On the side of the road when it’s raining too hard is always fun, hell even at night on the balcony or the deck of your house. WHEN IT’S DARK AND THERE ARE NO LIGHTS FACING YOUR HOME! LOL I’d hate for you to be on YouTube! At work in the bathroom (just don't get caught by the boss!), the parking garage after dinner anywhere but in the bed!

Ladies we just need to pick it up with the bedroom game. Yes we are going to have to outsmart the man with sex just in order to get him to do things for us. I’m not saying you have to reward his behavior whether good or bad with sex. Hell something’s he should be wanted to do for the home but be honest that’s not going to happen. We have to do these things or our lives become chaotic. Men have no problem living in a messy home, eating out everyday or even worrying about what the kids walk out the house wearing. But if he is not well taken care of in the bedroom… he’ll search somewhere else to get it. And most of us have already been through that. I’m not saying that if you pick up the sex games he’ll never cheat. But it does make for a very happy relationship once the sex is taken care of.


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